Thursday, January 26, 2017

Figure Ground Relationships- Circle, Rectangles, and squares








Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Assignment 2- Mash up

 - Repeating lines and patterns
- Shapes and forms construct the illusion of a person swimming
- Solid colors have a simple contrast between each other, but equal value so that no color is more vibrant or noticeable than the other.
- Repetitive patterns have been constructed to create movement within the image that allows the eyes to be drawn around the image
- Colors and lines on the image seem to connect for a moment but then are disrupted by the strong solid whites created in the modified image. 
- A shape has been created in the image that almost looks like a person or a creature-- or even a bug if flipped upside down (or at least that was my intention)

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Assignment 1- Mashup- Image Analysis, Deconstruction and Reconstruction

I jumped into this assignment and forgot to take an original picture of the magazine page..... :(
I hope that with some of the progress pics and the description of the original helps...

1. For the portrait of the male model, I see that the composition is comprised of his upper body, only to see 1/3 of the image being used to sell the product while the rest 2/3 of the image shows the male only from one straightforward perspective in a grayscale//A-chromatic image.. On the side of the male are what appears to be small, cylindrical forms that repeat from the top half of the image to the middle of the image.
2, For the second image, I decided to work on this one first because it did not include humans. So i can focus my eyes better on what is placed in the image. I see that the image is comprised of 1 point perspective which stretches from the entire image that is covered by parallel lines (take the form of shelves) and point forms (take the form of books) that repeat in a fixed rhythm, leaving 1/3 as the balance spot of the image because it serves as a resting place for the eye to navigate that the image as a whole is a limited space with one white form resting in the bottom right corner space (white chair form).
**This is the first image I worked on, only to get an idea of the possibilities that can be made from this assignment.


1. I decided to pay attention to the limited variety that the picture offers, and focus on the value scheme of the image as whole. I unmasked the texture that depicted skin on the man's face and left only the signifiers of a human form (eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair).

With the X-acto knife, I grouped similar value schemes and decided to place it back into the limited space in which it first came from. The slices of "skin" are now random forms that are now only isolated a-chromatic shapes.
I also sliced the cylindrical forms that were on the side of the image to move it to the "face" space to create a bit of depth from the light point of where the cylindrical forms on the image, which is helped in contrast to the dark to light value scheme I created.

As a more composed image as a whole, I grouped middle to light grayscale forms in a diagonal rhythm across the image to help the eye process that there are different ways that the value scheme is proceeding in this image.
2. For this image, I used some of the point forms (take the form of the books) and carved them out to leave an absence in the shelf where there once was form. I repasted the point forms in the resting area of the image to help guide the eye through the tight space instead of only focusing on the sharp parallel lines (shelves) in the image.
**This is the first image I worked on, only to get an idea of the possibilities that can be made from this assignment.



NWSA- ART1202C class for the spring semester

:) thanks